Reggae Beatz is non-profit organization and entertainment company


Reggae Beatz is non-profit organization and entertainment company established in the year 1/1/2023 to enhance talent and support charity. The establishment of the organization was inspired by children on the streets and the needy. The organization aims at helping these children by using reggae music as an element and the guide lines of the United Nation’s Sustainable Development Goals 4, 5, 8, 9 and 11 which focuses on the provision of quality education, gender equality and empowering of young girls, decent work and economic growth, industry, innovation and infrastructure and sustainable cities and communities. Reggae Beatz aims to follow these guide lines to children with good education and talent development to prepare them soundly for the future.


Crafting an unforgettable experience that resonates deeply and leaves a lasting impact.




  1. Quality Education

Reggae Beatz aims at fulfilling sustainable development goal (SDGs) 4, which aims to ensure inclusive and equitable quality education and promote lifelong learning opportunities for all especially children. Reggae Beatz hopes to achieve this by:


  • Increasing access to education
  • Enhancing educational infrastructure
  • Supporting inclusive education
  • Promoting lifelong learning opportunities


  1. Gender Equality & Empowering women & girls

Reggae Beatz aims at fulfilling sustainable development goal (SDGs) 5, which focuses on achieving gender equality and empowering women and girls. Reggae Beatz  aims to play a crucial role of fulfilling this goal by working towards:

  • Ending all forms of discrimination and violence against women and girls
  • Ensuring women and girls full and effective participation and equal opportunities for leadership at all levels of decision-making,
  • Ensuring universal access to sexual and reproductive health and right
  • Strengthening women and young girls rights movements and networks


  1. Decent work and economic growth

Reggae Beatz aims at fulfilling sustainable development goal (SDGs) 8, which aims to promote sustained, inclusive, and sustainable economic growth, full and productive employment, and decent work for all especially children for the future. Reggae Beatz aims to play a crucial role of fulfilling this goal by working towards:

  • Facilitating skill development and education
  • Encouraging inclusive employment
  • Raising awareness and mobilization of resources

  1. Industry, Innovation & Infrastructure

Reggae Beatz  aims at fulfilling sustainable development goal (SDGs) 9, which aims to build resilient infrastructure, promote inclusive and sustainable industrialization, and foster innovation especially among young children for the future. Reggae Beatz  aims to play a crucial role of fulfilling this goal by working towards:

  • Accessing technology and innovation
  • Capacity building and skill development
  1. Sustainable Cities and Communities

Reggae Beatz aims at fulfilling sustainable development goal (SDGs) 11, which focuses on sustainable cities and communities, Reggae Beatz  aims to track progress and impact in key areas:

Inclusive and safe public spaces, we aim to achieve this by creating inclusive and safe public spaces for all children, promoting gender equality and social inclusion.

About Reggae Beatz

Reggae Beatz is a versatile event management company based in the Netherlands, specializing in organizing both large and intimate parties. What sets us apart is our international outlook, allowing us to extend our reach beyond the borders of the Netherlands. We thrive on collaborations that transcend geographical boundaries, enabling us to curate exceptional events not only within the Netherlands but also on an international scale. Our commitment to creating unforgettable experiences knows no bounds, and we welcome opportunities for global partnerships that align with our passion for delivering outstanding events.